TCM is traditional Chinese Medicine, a Chinese medicinal practice that has been around since ancient times, 3500 years to be precise. Unlike western medicinal practices that focus on addressing the cause of the disease, TCM focuses more on improving the overall well-being. It advocates for the fact that the human body can heal itself with some assistance from traditional medicines. Several registered tcm singapore clinics help patients with fertility problems, insomnia, stress, digestive problems, chronic health issues, and more.
Here are the top names.
EMW Physiotherapy & TCM
This is the best place to resolve any fertility issues that one may have. They are known for their highly effective acupuncture procedure for fertility. The treatment is backed by scientific proof. This makes them one of the top names among the registered tcm singapore clinics.
YS Healthcare TCM Clinic
They focus on improving the overall health of their patients with the wide range of treatments they offer. From acne treatment to slimming treatment to external injury curing, they are versatile in their service.
Unlike the name, it’s not just a regular spa. They blend traditional Chinese Medicine with their modern-day spa treatment services. They are renowned for their anti-aging facial treatments and TCM Tuina Massage.
Great Wall Acupuncture Clinic
The clinic is led by a physician with rich experience in TCM – Dr. Tay Kim Lik. They specialize in all sorts of acupuncture treatments, Chinese herbal medicines, and more.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a soothing way to encourage the body to heal itself. One should always reach out to a registered clinic to be sure they are receiving genuine treatment.